
英语里还有什么比较古老,现在又不常用的单词,比如说 thou、thee、anon 等?知乎

这个用法至今还有有一个短语:ducks and drakes,意思是“打水漂”,一种游戏。同样,关于骰子,大家都知道是dice,这个词单复同形,很多母语者可能一时都反应不过来,dice其实本来有个单数die。公元前49年1月10日的黄昏,卢比...


首先你要记住下面四个公式↓ (1)一万=10 thousand (2)一千万=10 million (3)一亿=100 million (4)十亿=1 billion 熟记了这个公式,我们来试试以下几个数字,看能不能把刚才的公式灵活运用。1、17万用英语怎么说?参照...

千嗣(Thousand Shinji)by Academia Nut 第五章



Thou madest Life in man and brute;Thou madest Death;and lo,thy foot Is on the skull which thou hast made. Thou wilt not leave us in the dust: Thou madest man,he knows not why, He thinks he was not made to die;...

千嗣(Thousand Shinji)by Academia Nut 第三章

无生命的物体怎么会痛苦呢?痛苦没有意义, 痛苦没有价值, 痛苦并不存在, 无人能让绝望者痛苦, 所以快乐吧!丽!丽生平第一次笑着睡着了。真嗣一边看报纸,一边开心地自言自语。耐克最新广告导致他们的股票突然上涨,因为...

古英语里的 thou/thee 是怎样演变成 you 的?知乎

for I thou thee,thou Traitor. Raleigh.It becometh not a Man of Quality and Virtue,to call me so:But I take comfort in it,it is all you can do. Attorney.Have I anger'd you?(HC,The Trial of Sir Walter Raleigh,...


Thou art lovely and temperate. 或许我可用夏日把你来比方, 但你比夏日更可爱也更温良。十四行诗」 2 Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it yet. 明日永远新鲜如初,纤尘不染。绿山墙的安妮」 3 From ...

【磨耳朵故事】499.A Roc's Flight of Ten Thousand li-A Bright Future鹏程万里

A Roc's Flight of Ten Thousand li-A Bright Future 鹏程万里 In the Chinese classic Chuangtze,there is a legend like this: 在中国古典名著《庄子》一书中,有这样一个故事: Once upon a time,a gigantic(巨大的)fish ...

莎士比亚十四行诗:If thou survive my well-contented day_thy

If thou survive my well-contented day, 如果你的寿限长过我坦然面对的天命之数, When that churl Death my bones with dust shall cover, 当无情的死神掩埋我的尸骨于一抔黄土, And shalt by fortune once re-survey ...


2100 作:two thousand(and)one hundred or twenty-one hundred 千位数字以上 2,450,000 作:two million four hundred(and)fifty thousand 234,700,000 作:two hundred(and)thirty-four million seven ...