
noopener,noreferrer 及 nofollow用法简介

同样设置了 rel="noreferrer"同样也有这样的作用。一般我会noopener,noreferrer,nofollow同时使用,示例:


所以我打赌,看完这篇你一定也会替娃默默按下Follow键… 本文转载自公众号“真棒之选”“真棒之选” (id:summerschool2018) 从上海辐射全国, 为5-14岁孩子精选有学有玩的周末、假期好项目。视频网站B站up主(视频制作者)是...


1、SimilarWeb的Google Chrome浏览器插件,对于一个小插件来说,它的功能太强大了,不仅可以看到自己的流量情况与来源,还能分析竞争对手的流量渠道,包括搜索,社交,主要外链网站都能看到,…


谈到日前接受完郑裕玲(Do姐)电台访问后,成为Do姐Follow社交网的第3个男星,任时完立即举起3只手指并说︰「I am No.3﹗」 他开心地表示曾看过Do姐的电影,见到她很开心。任时完续说︰「Do姐对我的工作和演出了如指掌,能成为...

英语美文故事05 互相要有礼貌(Follow the manners each other)

Since we went to school,we have been educated to be polite no matter to the young or old people.People follow the manner rules and have a nice communication between each other.But some people ignore the rules ...


We must always go into the whys and wherefores of anything.On no account should we follow anyone like sheep. 我们对任何事情都要问一个为什么,绝对不应盲从任何人。On no account(do you)forget to lock the door. ...

[其他]Order No.270-

every soldier,no matter how big his position,has the responsibility to follow the command of his superiors,fight to the end and break through the blockade.If officers or soldiers choose to surrender instead of ...

CURE Matheo:Chase the light,follow the dream@北大光华2023开学典礼

No matter who you are,no matter where you come from,just follow the light. I come from a small town that nobody knows in France.There,the rigorousness of education and the competitivity among students is not as...

每日故事No.33 分家

he wants to distinguish his family from his two sons.Some brothers went to court and became enemies in order to fight for family property.Lao Zhou didn't want his two sons to follow in the footsteps of others....

No.2290 还有160天,必做这些事!their_rules_at

[A]follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules [B]collect payments from third parties [C]cooperate with the price managers [D]revaluate some of their assets ideo_iframe rich_pages"id="js_mp_video_container_1"vid=...