
US says the right words,time for it to act on them:China Daily editorial

but containment,and it is not about ...For Sino-US ties,peace is most valuable,stability the priority and credibility the foundation.Now is the time for the US to live up to its words and meet China halfway on the...


I came here today to talk about what's wrong with our food system. 我要讲的是我们食物体系的问题。First of all,I would like to say that I'm really amazed at how easily kids are led to believe all the marketing ...


Wow,what an honor.I always wondered what this would feel like.So eight years ago,I got the worst career advice of my life.I had a friend tell me,"Don't worry about how much you like the work you're doing now.It...


Imagine that during the quiet time at night,families live in separate rooms.When you get back from work,you don’t have to worry about disturbing your family.You can wash your hands leisurely in the private ...

Explainer:What's special about China's ultra-long special treasury bonds

China issued new special treasury bonds in 1998,2007 and 2020 separately.Of the total issuance,39.8 percent,or 1.12 trillion yuan(about 157.7 billion U.S.dollars)are ...and can be issued at an appropriate time ...

Swiss Re bullish about insurance market's prospects in nation

I'm certainly excited about the opportunities(in China),"Mumenthaler...told China Daily earlier that the reinsurer may scale up the Chinese portion of its global business pie chart over time as its footprint here...

About TimeAbout Distance,About Love|镶钻|项链|戒指|宝石|卡地亚|珠宝首饰_网易订阅

周末在家里重温了《时空恋旅人/About Time》这部电影,男主角拥有穿越时空的超能力,他一次次重回过去,也通过一点一点努力改变了自己与女主的人生轨迹,最终迎来了属于他们俩的爱情“moment”。每每看到这里,蜜总都会有一些...

二次创业失败,About Time Coffee运营受困,ofo创始人戴威下一个项目会是什么?小黄车|创业者|科学家|数学...

今年上半年,ofo创始人戴威在美国的咖啡创业项目About Time Coffee迅速走红。《》 然而,好景不长,现在只剩下纽约麦迪逊大道一家店营业,其余四家已经永久关闭。广东省孵化器创新创业导师骆仁童博士表示,虽然About Time ...

张朝阳跨年演讲《About Time&General Relativity》

这叫时轴正交坐标系(time-orthogonal coordinate system)。而球对称和静态条件可把空间部分的度规写成 因此静态球对称度规的形式可写为 而且根据上面的说法,这些度规系数只是r的函数。我们重写为更加方便的形式 满足真空...


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